The Sendoff, 14 x 11 Holly Hock, 10 x 8 Cowboy Reverie, 16 x 10 Dawn Fawn, 12 x 12 Lyndon B. Cow, 9 x 12 Galloping, 14 x 14 The Blue Earrings, 8 x 6 Ballerina with Violet Feather, 10 x 8 The Admirer, 16 x 12 Pow Wow, 12 x 9 Pow Wow Woman, 11 x 14 Determination, 12 x 9 Folklorica, 7 x 5 Blanca, 16 x 8 Sibling Joy, 16 x 12 In the Warm Light, 20 x 10 Cinderella’s Desire, 16 x 12 The Ballerina, 10 x 8 The Wrangler, 16 x 12 Baile Flamenco, 12 x 9 Sepia Nude, 16 x 12